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The Importance of Aftertreatment Care in a Detox and Rehab Program

They say that showing up at the rehab facility is already a win in terms of overcoming substance abuse. For many, even just agreeing to go to rehab for their drug or alcohol addiction already takes a lot of effort and courage on their part.

Understandably, there are going to be a lot of doubts and fears about the process. A lot of issues would have to be addressed, apologies and reparations made, and taking accountability for all the hurtful things they might have done under the influence of their addiction.

Detox and rehabilitation programs, such as those offered by Gallus Medical Detox Centers ( do not just address the impact of substance abuse on the patient’s physical health, but also on their mental health and well-being, and even emotional needs. Getting treated for substance addiction, therefore, is going to entail a massive overhaul, almost like a complete reset, on the life of the patient.

Going through a comprehensive and effective detox treatment program is not the end of the journey, however. There is still the matter of making sure that the patient is ready to go back out into the real world, equipped with the right skills and techniques to avoid traps and triggers that could send them back to addiction.

That’s why the aftercare program is just as crucial in the success of a patient overcoming their addiction.

What is Aftercare?

Simply put, aftercare is the continuation of the closing part of the treatment program. It is meant to serve as a support system that can help the patient stay on the right track of sobriety even after they’ve left the facility.

An aftercare program, however, can only be successful if the foundations for recovery are very well established from the treatment program already.

One of the more common types of an aftercare program is the 12-step program, where the patient is placed within group counseling sessions. This environment allows them to exercise vulnerability and openness, trust, empathy, and accountability.

It also offers a very big incentive in terms of finding a reliable support system that not only knows what the patient has gone and is going through, but also understands it very well because they are also on the same journey.

Having people who can relate to their circumstances, no matter how different the specifics may be, help to relieve feelings of isolation, especially when they feel like their family or loved ones do not really understand their experience.

Life Transition Support

Life before addiction is very different from life during addiction. Getting over it, however, does not necessarily mean you can just go back to the life you had before as well. In many instances, things are never really the same again, as they should be.

After all, going through addiction and surviving it is such an intensely human experience. It’s impossible for anyone to go through it completely unchanged. The time spent in the treatment program also would or should have made an impact as well on this “new” version of the self.

Because of these changes, life transition support may become necessary. Some people do not respond as well as others when it comes to confronting and accepting change. A newly rehabilitated former addict, they’re going to need a lot of support and guidance to make their way into this new life.

It could mean getting help reconnecting with family and friends that they’ve isolated during their addiction, going back to the career they lost or walked away from, or even finding a new job altogether. It could even mean moving houses, if only to ensure they are able to surround themselves with better influences, and keep them away from dangerous pitfalls.

While aftercare programs tend to be less hands-on than actual treatments are, it’s still a crucial step to ensuring a safe and successful transition for the patient to get their life back.


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